Syllabus: BLISc I Semester
UNIT – I: Introduction to Computers
Computers: Generations, Types, Input and Output Devices, Computer Architecture
Data Representation and Storage
Introduction to System Software and Application Software
Operating Systems: DOS, Window XP, Vista, Windows NT, Linux, etc.
Word Processing, Spreadsheets, PowerPoint Presentation
Graphics Software: Basic Functions and Potential Uses
Communication Software
UNIT – II: Library Automation
Library Automation: Planning and Implementation
In-house Operations: Acquisition, Cataloguing, Circulation, Serial Control, OPAC, etc.
Bibliographic Standards: CCF and MARC 21
Introduction to Metadata: Types of Metadata Dublin Core
Library Software Packages: Overview and House Keeping Operations
Case Studies: WINISIS, Alice for Windows and SOUL
UNIT – III: Database Management Systems
Database: Concepts and Components
Database Structures, File Organization and Physical Design
Database Management System: Basic Functions, Potential Uses
UNIT – IV: Web Interface to WINISIS Databases
Introduction to Web Interface: WWWISIS
Introduction to Web Servers: Apache Server and Internet Information Server
Web Interface Software: GENISIS
UNIT – V: Introduction to Internet
Basics of Internet
Search Engines and Meta Search Engines
Internet Search Techniques
E-resources and Online Databases
Recommended Books
1. DEEPALI (Talagala). Web interface for CDS/ISIS : GENISISweb v.3.0. 2003. Sri Lanka Library Association, Colombo.
2. HARAVU (L J). Library automation design, principles and practice. 2004. Allied Publishers, New Delhi.
3. INFLIBNET. Software for University Libraries user manual. (Latest). INFLIBNET, Ahmedabad.
4. NEELAMEGHAN (A) and LALITHA (S K). Tutor +: A learning and teaching package on hypertext link commands in WINISIS. 2001. Sarada Ranganathan Endowment for Library Science, Bangalore.
5. NEGUS (Christopher). Linux bible. 2005. John Wiley, New York.
6. RAJARAMAN (V). Introduction to information technology. 2007. Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi.
7. SIMPSON (Alan). Windows XP bible. 2004. John Wiley, New York.
8. SIMPSON (Alan) and JONES (Bradley L). Windows vista bible. 2007. John Wiley, New York.
9. UNESCO. CDS/ISIS for windows: reference manual. v1.5. 2004. UNESCO, Paris.
10. WALKENBACH (John), et al. Office 2007 bible. 2007. John Wiley, New York.