Faculty Book Publications
K P Singh. (2023). Modi@DU: Colours of Ceremony of Centenary Celebrations. New Delhi: AKS Publishing House, 249 pp (ISBN:978-93-91465-31-5).
Madhusudhan, Margam. (Co-editor). (2023). Libraries Unplugged: Harnessing the Power of Mobile Services. Agra: Social Development Federation, 185 pp (ISBN:978-81-953404-3-9).
Madhusudhan, Margam. (Co-editor). (2021). Applying Mobile Technologies in Transformation of Library Services. Agra: Social Development Federation, 307pp. (ISBN: 978-81-953404-0-8).
Singh, K.P. (2021). A Succinct: Kaleidoscopic Voyage of Academic Excellence of Department of Library and Information Science, University of Delhi. New Delhi: AKS Publishing House, 103pp. (ISBN: 978-93-91465-06-3).
Singh, K.P. et al. (2021). Flying Colours of Platinum Jubilee Celebrations: A Treatise of Anthology of Tested Knowledge. New Delhi: AKS Publishing House, 103pp. (ISBN: 978-93-91465-05-6).
Singh, K.P. (2021). 75 Glorious Years, Department of Library and Information Science: Pioneer in LIS Teaching, Research & Innovation. New Delhi: AKS Publishing House, 228pp. (ISBN: 978-93-91465-04-9).
Singh, K.P. (2021). LIS Education: Pragmatic Paradigm Shift. New Delhi: Today and Tomorrow Printers and Publishers, 341pp. (ISBN: 978-9391-7343-6-7).
Singh, K.P. & Chander, Harish. (2021). A Bibliography on Punjabi Books. New Delhi: Today and Tomorrow Printers and Publishers, 341pp. (ISBN: 978-8170-9697-6-2).
Singh, K.P. (2020). Playing from the Front: A story of unfolded acts of a Library & Information Science Teacher. New Delhi: AKS Publishing House, 505pp. (ISBN: 978-81-946468-4-6).
Sanaman, Gareema. & Shailendra Kumar. (2016). Information Access in Digital Environment for People with Disabilities: A Study of NCR Region(India). LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 493pp. (ISBN 978-3-659-94181-8).
Singh, K.P. (2013). ODLIS -Online Dictionary of Library and Information Science. New Delhi: SR Foundation for Library and Information Science (SRFLIS), 300pp. (ISBN: 978-81-927409-1-1).
Singh, K.P. (2012). UDC: A Manual for Classification Practical and Information Resources. New Delhi: Today and Tomorrow Printers and Publishers, 389pp. (ISBN: 978-81-701946-8-2).
Singh, K.P. & Singh, Malkeet. (2012). Use of Social Networking Sites in India: Practices, Prospectus and Problems. Germany: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 232pp. (ISBN: 3659221163).

Satija, M.P. & Singh, K.P. (2010).Colon Classification (Hindi). New Delhi: Ess Ess Publications, 241pp. (ISBN: 978-81-7000-611-4).
Bhatt, R.K. (2009). Information Systems: Handbook for beginners in Information Science and Information Technology. New Delhi: Pragati Publications, 178pp. (ISBN: 81-7307-127-6).
Singh, K.P. & Satija, M.P. (2009). Glimpses of Indian Agricultural Education and Information Use: The Soul of Economy in Rural India. Germany: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 196pp. (ISBN: 10-3-8383-1401-8).
Shailendra Kumar. (2008). Library and Information Science Education in India (Video Edition, 2 DVDs Set). New Delhi: Softlink Asia. (ISBN: 818879705-7).
Shailendra Kumar. (2008). Indian Library and Information Science Professionals (Video Edition, 8 DVDs Set). New Delhi: Softlink Asia. (ISBN: 818879703-0).
Shailendra Kumar. (2008). Libraries and Information Centres in India (Video Edition, 7 DVDs Set). New Delhi: Softlink Asia. (ISBN: 818879704-9).
Madhusudhan, Margam. (Co-Editor). (2018). Library Practices in Digital Era. Hyderabad: B.S. Publications, 522pp. (ISBN: 978-93-85433-07-8).
Ahmed, Noushad. & Madhusudhan, Margam.(2018). Website of Indian Institutes of Management Library. Hyderabad: Sangharsh Publications, 130pp. (ISBN: 978-93-82928-42-3).
Venkatappaiah, Velaga. & Madhusudhan, Margam. (2006). Public Library Legislation in the New Millennium: A New Model Public Library Acts for the Union, States and Union Territories. New Delhi: Bookwell Publishers, 312pp. (ISBN: 81-89640-21-6).
Singh, S. P. & Krishan Kumar. (2005). Special Libraries in the Electronic Environment. New Delhi: Kanishka Publishers, 402pp. (ISBN: 81-85040-89-3).
Singh, S. P.(Co-editor). (2005). Digital Information Resources and Networks in India. New Delhi: UBSPD Publishers.
Bhatt, R.K. (2004). UNESCO: Development of Libraries and Documentation Centres in Developing Countries. New Delhi: K.K. Publications, 367pp. (ISBN: 81-7844-025-3).
Shailendra Kumar. (2003). V-book 2003 European Libraries in New Millennium. (V-Book Edition, 2CDs Set). New Delhi: Softlink Asia. (ISBN: 818879014 & ISBN: 818879024).
Shailendra Kumar. (2003). V-book 2003 European Libraries in New Millennium. (Print Edition). New Delhi: Softlink Asia, 112pp. (ISBN: 8188797006).
Singh, S. P. (2002). Research Methods in Social Sciences: A Manual for Designing Questionnaires. New Delhi: Kanishka Publishers, 268pp. (ISBN: 81-7391-483-4).
Bhatt, R.K. (1995). History and Development of Libraries in India. New Delhi: Mittal Publications, 367pp. (ISBN: 81-7844-025-3).
Shailendra Kumar. (1994). History of Science in India: An Analytical Database of Information Sources. New Delhi: Gyan Publishing House, 431pp. (ISBN: 8121204739).