Syllabus: BLISc I Semester



UNIT – I: Operating Systems and Application Software
Installation and Functions of Different Operating Systems: Window XP, Vista, Windows NT, Linux
Setting of Desktop, Library Server and its Maintenance
Creating Presentations with PowerPoint
Editing and Formatting Word Documents

UNIT – II: Database Creation and Library Software
Installation and Creation of Databases: Import, Export, Hyperlinks and Printing of
Records using WINISIS
Alice for Windows: Installation, Configuration and Functions
Installation, Configuration and Application of SOUL

UNIT – III: Database Web Interface
GENISIS: Installation, Configuration and Functions
Web Interface to WINISIS using GENISIS

UNIT – IV: Online and Offline Searching
Web Searching
Advanced Internet Searching
Search through Meta Search Engines
Offline Databases
Internet and E-mail

Recommended Books
1. CHOWDHURY (G G) and CHOWDHURY (Sudatta). Searching CD-ROM and online information sources. 2000. Library Association, London.
2. CHOWDHURY (G G) and CHOWDHURY (Sudatta). Organizing information: from the shelf to the web. 2007. Facet Publishing, London.
3. COOPER (Michael D). Design of library automation systems: file structures, data structures, and tools. 1996. John Wiley, New York.
4. INFLIBNET. Software for university libraries user manual.(Latest). INFLIBNET, Ahmedabad.
5. NEELAMEGHAN (A) and LALITHA (S K). Tutor +: A learning and teaching package on hypertext link commands in WINISIS. 2001. Sarada Ranganathan Endowment for Library Science, Bangalore.
6. NEGUS (Christopher). Linux bible. 2005. John Wiley, New York.
7. SIMPSON (Alan). Windows XP bible. 2004. John Wiley, New York.
8. UNESCO. CDS/ISIS for windows: reference manual v1.5. 2004. UNESCO, Paris.
9. WALKENBACH (John), et al. Office 2007 bible. 2007. John Wiley, New York.
10. WINSHIP (Ian) and McNAB (Alison). The student's guide to the Internet.2000. Library Association, London.