Old Question Papers


Bachelor of Library and Information Science (BLISc)

  B.L.I.Sc. : First Semester

B -101: Library, Information and Society
B- 102: Library Classification (Theory) 
B- 103: Library Classification (Practical) 
B- 104: Basics of Information Technology in LIS (Theory) 
B- 105: Basics of Information Technology in LIS (Practical)

B.L.I.Sc. : Second Semester

B- 107: Management of Library and Information Centres
B- 108: Information Sources and Services 
B- 109: Library Cataloguing (Theory) 
B- 110: Library Cataloguing (Practical)


Master of Library and Information Science (MLISc)

 M.L.I.Sc. : First Semester

M -101: Information Systems and Programmes                 
M -102: Advanced Knowledge Organisation: Classification (Practical)
M -103: Advanced Knowledge Organisation: Cataloguing (Practical)
M -104: Information and Communication Technology  Applications in LIS (Theory)
M -105: Research Methodology                                              
M-106: Marketing of Library and Information Products and Services

M.L.I.Sc. : Second Semester

M -107: Information and Communication Technology  Applications in LIS (Practical)
M -108: Information Storage and Retrieval System
M -109: Information Literacy Applications in LIS             

M-110. Elective Papers 
M-110 (a): Public Library and Information System
M-110 (b): Academic Library and Information System
M-110 (c): Research and Technical  Library and Information System      
M-110 (d): Health Science Library and  Information System
M-110 (e): Agricultural Sciences Library and Information System
M-110 (f): Engineering and Technological Library and Information System

M- 111 Elective Interdisciplinary Papers 
M-111 (a): Print and Electronic Sources and Literature in Humanities
M-111 (b): Print and Electronic Sources and Literature in Natural Sciences             
M-111 (c): Print and Electronic Sources and Literature in Social Sciences   


 Course Work : Ph.D/MPhil.

Course- I: Research Methodology in Library and Information Science (Compulsory)
Course- IIPlanning and Management of Libraries and Information Centrers (Compulsory)

Course - III  (a): University and College Library System  
Course - III (d): Information Processing and Organization                
Course - III  (g): Library and Information Science Education                
Course - III  (h): Application of Tools and Technologies in Library and Information Science