About JLIS


Journal of Library & Information Science (JLIS)

Published byDepartment of Library and Information Science, University of Delhi

ISSN: 0970-714 X

Frequency:  Half-Yearly

The Department of Library and Information Science, University of Delhi, started the “Journal of Library and Information Science (JLIS)”, published in 1976, to serve as an important media of new ideas and knowledge in the rapidly developing discipline of Library and Information Science. The editorial policy statement carried by the journal in each issue on the back of the title page also states that the journal attempts to promote research and scholarly discussion of problems concerning the growth and development of the Library and Information Centre. Journal of Library and Information Science has been listed by all important national and international directories like a directory of periodicals published in India.
Over the period, the Journal of Library and Information Science has become quite popular and has achieved a national and international reputation. It has attained a prominent status among all Library and Information Science periodicals. It could find a place in the most important abstracting and indexing sources like Library and Information Science Abstracts (LISA) and the Library Literary Index.
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