Departmental Library
Welcome to DLIS Library - a Temple of Knowledge providing relevant information on Library and Information Science books, journals, e-resources and useful websites. This library was set up as a part of the Department in 1946 and partially computerized. The Department library has 14,208 documents, including Textbooks, Reference books, M.Phil. Dissertations, M.L.I.Sc. Project reports, etc.
a) Students of the Department (BLISc, MLISc and PhD.) are entitled to become library members. DLIS Library has four types of Borrowing cards for B.L.I.Sc., M.L.ISc., PhD scholars. A register system is being used for faculty members, and borrowing tickets are issued according to various categories. Details are as follows:
BLISc Students: No. of borrowing Tickets issued 1+1 ( Reader Ticket for overnight), and the Issue period is One Week.
MLISc Students: No. of borrowing Tickets issued=2+1(Reader Ticket for overnight), and the Issue period is One Week.
PhD Research Scholars: No. of borrowing Tickets issued=4+1(Reader Ticket for overnight), and the Issue period is One Week.
(b) Personal belongings are like bags; books are not allowed inside the Library.
(c) Books taken for consultation should only be consulted inside the Library. Such books are not allowed to be taken outside the Library. Only two books shall be given for consolation against the reader's tickets.
(d) Marking with Pen/Pencil and tearing pages from the documents will be taken very seriously, and the guilty users will be punished severely.
(e) Before leaving the Library, students must check their books at the Counter.
(f) Silence is essential in the Library. Students are requested to co-operate for a calm and healthy atmosphere in the Library.
(g) Borrower's tickets are not transferable. No student will be allowed any book (s) on any other borrower's ticket(s). Tea and snacks are not allowed to be taken inside the Library premises.
(h) Mobile phones are not allowed inside the library premises.
(i) If a book is overdue for more than one week, the matter will be reported to the appropriate authority.
(j) If the borrowing/reader ticket is lost, it should be immediately reported in writing to the Circulation counter in the Library. A duplicate borrowing/reader ticket will be issued on the payment of Rs. 5/- with the University Cashier, but the student will remain responsible for the loss/misuse of his/her ticket.
Library Hours
The library remains open from 9.00 a.m. to 4.45 p.m. on all working days. However, because of the needs of the students during examinations, the Library is kept open beyond normal days/hours and timings are notified on the Library and Department Notice Boards.
Library Staff
Library In-charge: Prof. (Mrs). Meera
Professional Assistant: Mrs. Renu Rani (Incharge)
Semi-Professional Assistant: Vacant
Library Attendant: Vacant