Syllabus: BLISc I Semester



UNIT - I: Elements of Library Classification
Concepts, Terminology
Need, Purpose and Functions
Species of Classification Schemes

UNIT - II: Theory and Development
Historical Development
General Theory: Normative Principles
Modes of Formation of Subjects

UNIT – III: Approaches to Library Classification
Postulational Approach and Systems Approach
Fundamental Categories, Facet Analysis and Facet Sequence
Phase Relation and Common Isolates
Devices in Library Classification

UNIT – IV: Notation and Construction of Classification Number
Notation: Need, Purpose, Types and Qualities
Call Number: Class Number, Book Number and Collection Number
Construction of Class Numbers

UNIT – V: General and Special Classification Schemes
Dewey Decimal Classification
Universal Decimal Classification
Colon Classification
Current Trends in Library Classification

Recommended Books
1. KRISHAN KUMAR. Theory of classification. 1993. Vikas, New Delhi.
2. MANN (Margaret). Introduction to cataloguing and the classification of books. Ed. 2. 1943. ALA, Chicago.
3. RANGANATHAN (S R). Descriptive account of the colon classification. 1990. Sarada Ranganathan Endowment for Library Science, Bangalore.
4. RANGANATHAN (S R). Prolegomena to library classification. Ed 3. 1989. Sarada Ranganathan Endowment for Library Science, Bangalore.
5. SAYERS (W C B). Manual of classification for librarians. Rev. by Arthur Maltby. Ed. 5. 1975. Andre Deutsch, London.
6. SAYERS (W C B). Introduction to library classification. Rev. by Arthur Maltby. Ed. 9. 1958. Grafton, London.
7. WYNAR (Bohdan S). Introduction to cataloguing and classification. Ed 7. 1985. Libraries Unlimited, New York.