Syllabus: MLISc I Semester



UNIT – I: Information Systems and Organisations
Information Organisation as a System: Basic Concepts, Types and Characteristics of an Information System
Kinds of Information System: Libraries, Documentation Centres and Information Centres
Data Centres, Information Analysis Centres, Referral Centres and Clearing Houses
Archives and Translation Pools: Functions and Services

UNIT – II: National Information System and Policy
Planning and Design of National Information System
National Information Policy
National Information Systems: NISCAIR, DESIDOC, NASSDOC, SENDOC, NDCMC,
ENVIS, etc.

UNIT – III: Global Information Systems
Programmes and Activities of UNESCO, UNISIST and IFLA, etc.

UNIT – IV: Resource Sharing, Library Networks and Library Consortia
Programmes and Activities of INFLIBNET and DELNET
CSIR E-Journals Consortium, UGC-INFONET Digital Library Consortium

UNIT – V: Information Services and Information Products
Information Services
Literature Search
Documentation Services, Translation Services
CAS, SDI, Document Delivery Service, Alert Services and INTERNET Services
Information Products: Newsletter, In-house Journal, State of the Art Report, Trend Report, etc.

Recommended Books
1. ATHERTON (Pauline). Handbook for information system and services. 1997. UNESCO, Paris.
2. BAMAN (P). Studies on information systems, services and programs in India and abroad. 1993. Ajanta, Delhi.
3. BARUA (B P). National policy on library and information systems and services for India: perspectives and projections. 1992. Popular Prakashan, New Delhi.
4. BURCH (J G) and GRUDNITSKI (G). Information systems: theory and practice. 1986. Wiley, Singapore.
5. KENT (A). Resource sharing in libraries: why, how, when next action step. 1974. Marshal Dekker, New York.
6. KOCHTANEK (T R) and MATTHEWS (J R). Library information systems: from library automation to distributed information access solutions. 2002. Libraries Unlimited, West Westport.
7. NEELAMEGHAN (A) and PRASAD (K N), Eds. Information systems, networks and services in India. 2 vols. 1998. Ranganathan Centre for Information Studies, Chennai.
8. ROWLEY (J). The basics of information systems. Ed 2. 1996. Library Association, London.
9. VICKERY (B C). Information systems. 1973. Butterworths, Washington.