JLIS abstracts

SCHMIDT (Dorothy).

SCHMIDT (Dorothy). Implication of Mechanized Information Retrieval for Librarianship in the Developing Countries. 13,1;1988;39-50

The scientific and technological gap between the advanced industrial countries (AIC) and the less developed countries (LDC) has a direct bearing on the economic disparity between them. Serious attempts to narrow this gap must include scientific and technological information (SIT) transfer as well as the development of indigenous capacity in the LDCs. Because of the vastly increased amount of information generated in recent years, mechanized information storage and retrieval systems offer the most effective answer to today's scientific and technological information needs. Mechnised information storage and retrieval systems using interactive mode, on-line computer access has many advantages. The author examines the appropriateness of systems involving computer-based services in the LDCs and recent experiences in some rapidly developing countries such as Korea and concludes that the mode of the AIC can be successfully applied in the LDC. Discusses the benefits to be derived from mechanized information retrieval and their implication for librarianship in developing countries.