JLIS abstracts

SCHWARZ (Helga).

SCHWARZ (Helga). Sharing Information by Means of Standardization. 16,1;1991;25-33

When automation of book processing began there were only few standards concerning the application of electronic data processing in libraries. The first users of EDP had to set up internal rules for their systems, some of them later on became national standards. Especially the developing shared cataloguing systems-for instance the German Serial Data Base- needed standards and host institutions of these systems took the role of pioneers in standardization. Nowadays not only standards for isolated systems but standards for the communication between different international systems are necessary. The OSI Reference Model (ISO 7498-1) tries to meet the requirements of world wide data exchange and processing especially in the field of Inter library Loan (ILL) and Bibliographic Search, Retrieval and Update (BSRU).