JLIS abstracts

VICKERS (Stephen)

VICKERS (Stephen). IFLA's Programme for Universal Availability of Publications. 10.1;1985;1-9

Defines the term UAP as an objective and a programme launched by IFLA. Defines publication which includes conventional books, journals gray literature, audio visual material. Mentions their need or availability so as to support research and its application to development. Lays emphasis on improvement to universal bibliographic control as existing systems and procedures are inadequate. Discusses in detail the development and concept of UAP programme first enunciated in 1973 at IFLA annual meeting and subsequent series of projects planned and executed thereafter. Stresses on the initiation and the acceptance of national responsibilities for the achievement of UAP. Suggests great role and firm commitment by government and professional association. Concludes with the relevance of UAP programme to India as scale of potential demand both from users who are at present dissatisfied and from those who do not use available services at all is high.