JLIS abstracts

LAL (Arjun)


LAL (Arjun). Citations in Agricultural Research. 13,2;1988;175-83

By the help of citation analysis, an attempt has been made to identify the most important source of citation, its geographical and chronological distribution in the field of agronomic research in agriculture in Bihar . A total of 1696 citations were collected, compiled and analyzed. The most important journals identified through the technique of citation analysis as indicated by their frequency of citation were Indian Journal of Agronomy, Indian Journal of Agricultural Science, Journal of Indian Society of Soil Science, Indian Farming Fertilizer News, Agronomy Journal, Madras Agriculture Journal, Field Crop Abstract and Plant & Soil. Among the cited Journal India occupied first rank as a country of publication followed by USA and UK . The chronological distribution of citation to Journals suggests that the researchers in agriculture cite from current journals and seldom refer to back number.